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Your Better Sense of Nature

Jacob Rodenburg, author of The Book of Nature Connection, talks about the importance of nature and why we must use all of our senses if we want to gain a deeper connection with it.

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An inventory of lasting happiness

In The Web of Meaning, Jeremy Lent investigates humanity’s age-old questions- Who am I? Why am I? How should I live? The book offers a compelling foundation for a new philosophical framework that could enable humanity to thrive sustainably on a flourishing Earth. Today, we have an excerpt from the book that talks about happiness.

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2021 Donner Prize Award Finalists

We are thrilled to announce that one New Society title has been shortlisted for the prestigious 2021 Donner Prize.

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Bird Mnemonics

Filled with fun activities for using all of your senses to engage with nature in a deep and nourishing way, The Book of Nature Connection is the perfect book for all those that are looking to reconnect and become a nature sommelier! Today, we wanted to share an excerpt with you from the book that talks about listening to the birds and bird mnemonics.

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How Change Actually Happens

In the book, We’re All Climate Hypocrites Now, Sami Grover discusses that we should do what we can in our own lives to help the environment, but that we also need to target those actions so that they can create systemic change. Today, we share an excerpt from the book that talks about change and how to make it happen.

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1.5 Degree Lifestyle is Easier for Some than for Others

In his book, Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle, Lloyd Alter discusses the carbon cost of everything we do. This book, which is grounded in meticulous research, is a journey toward a life of quality over quantity, and sufficiency over efficiency. Today, we share an excerpt from the book that looks at why living a more eco-friendly lifestyle can be easier for some to do than it is for others.

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Ecological Limits and Then What?

In Ecological Footprint by Mathis Wackernagel and Bert Beyers the authors discuss the concept of Ecological Footprint accounting. This book looks at topics such as footprint and biocapacity accounting, strategies for creating regenerative economies, etc. Today, we share an excerpt that talks about ecological limits and also discusses the topic of the Footprint.

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Mindfulness and Nature

The Book of Nature Connection is filled with fun sensory activities for all ages that promote mindfulness and nature connection. The book includes activities grouped by the main senses- hearing, sight, smell, touch, and taste. This powerful learning tool kit is ideal for educators, camp and youth leaders, caregivers and parents, and anyone looking to reconnect with nature. Today, we share an excerpt from the book that looks at mindfulness and nature and gives some hints on practicing mindfulness while in nature.

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Interview with Bevin Cohen

Today’s blog is an Interview with Bevin Cohen, author of The Complete Guide to Seed and Nut Oils, featuring a question that was asked by a reader on social media.

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Let Us Use Our Hands To Produce A Better World

The Complete Guide to Seed and Nut Oils is a beautifully illustrated and photographed book that gives you all of the information you need to produce oils for cooking, balms and salves, self-sufficiency and resiliency or for small-scale commercial or community production. Today, we share an excerpt from this book that talks about the consumption and production of food and also looks at the author’s journey in finding balance between consuming and producing.

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Celebrate Spring with our Book Giveaways

Spring is back n town and we are celebrating by giving away books! We have several excellent books coming off the press soon, and we want to celebrate by giving you the chance to win them! We’re running giveaways from March until July , so be sure to mark down these dates and enter to win.

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International Transgender Day of Visibility

Today, March 31st, is International Transgender Day of Visibility. Founded by U.S. transgender activist, Rachel Crandall, this day is “dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of transgender and gender nonconforming people while raising awareness of the work that still needs to be done to achieve trans justice.”

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Why 1°C of warming matters

In his book, A Brief History of the Earth's Climate: Everyone's Guide to the Science of Climate Change, Steven Earle looks at the natural evolution of the Earth’s climate over 4.6 billion years and discusses why human-caused global warming and climate change is different and more dangerous. Today, we share an excerpt of this book that describes why 1°C of warming matters.

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Interview with Ellis Jones

Today’s blog is an Interview with Ellis Jones, author of The Better World Shopping Guide: 7th Edition, featuring our winning giveaway question.

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Arugula Soufflé Recipe

Today on the blog, we share a recipe from The Farmers Market Cookbook by Julia Shanks and Brett Grohsga for Arugula Soufflé!

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