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Transformative Learning (PDF)

Transformative Learning presents a "learn-by-doing" pedagogy informed by ecology and developed over thirty years at Schumacher College that integrates head, heart, and hands into multi-disciplinary education for living in harmony with others and the Earth.

Transformative Learning (PDF)

Ebook $14.95
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Transformative Learning

Transformative Learning presents a "learn-by-doing" pedagogy informed by ecology and developed over thirty years at Schumacher College that integrates head, heart, and hands into multi-disciplinary education for living in harmony with others and the Earth.

Transformative Learning

Paperback $22.99
ebook available

Let's Talk Race (EPUB)

‣Racial equity begins with meaningful interracial conversations. Pulling no punches, Let's Talk Race: A Guide for White People explores why white people struggle to talk about race, why we need to talk about race to energize social action, and how to create the safe spaces for these conversations to take place.

Let's Talk Race (EPUB)

Ebook $13.00
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Let's Talk Race (PDF)

‣Racial equity begins with meaningful interracial conversations. Pulling no punches, Let's Talk Race: A Guide for White People explores why white people struggle to talk about race, why we need to talk about race to energize social action, and how to create the safe spaces for these conversations to take place.

Let's Talk Race (PDF)

Ebook $13.00
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Let's Talk Race

‣Racial equity begins with meaningful interracial conversations. Pulling no punches, Let's Talk Race: A Guide for White People explores why white people struggle to talk about race, why we need to talk about race to energize social action, and how to create the safe spaces for these conversations to take place.

Let's Talk Race

Paperback $19.99
ebook available

The Artisan Herbalist (EPUB)

‣From urban apartments to wild countryside, The Artisan Herbalist teaches how to identify, grow, harvest, forage, and craft 38 herbs into an assortment of teas, tinctures, creams, and salves to be used at home, shared with friends, or sold at market.

The Artisan Herbalist (EPUB)

Ebook $19.50
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The Artisan Herbalist (PDF)

‣From urban apartments to wild countryside, The Artisan Herbalist teaches how to identify, grow, harvest, forage, and craft 38 herbs into an assortment of teas, tinctures, creams, and salves to be used at home, shared with friends, or sold at market.

The Artisan Herbalist (PDF)

Ebook $19.50
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The Artisan Herbalist

‣From urban apartments to wild countryside, The Artisan Herbalist teaches how to identify, grow, harvest, forage, and craft 38 herbs into an assortment of teas, tinctures, creams, and salves to be used at home, shared with friends, or sold at market.

The Artisan Herbalist

Paperback $29.99
ebook available

Dark Age America (Audiobook)

‣After decades of missed opportunities, the door to a sustainable future has closed, and the future we face is the unraveling of today's industrial civilization in the face of uncontrolled climate change and resource depletion. The questions we need to ask now focus on what comes next.

Dark Age America (Audiobook)

Audiobook $19.99
print and ebook available

Not Just a Pretty Face (Audiobook)

‣Lead in lipstick, carcinogens in baby shampoo – the cosmetics industry needs a makeover! Discover what happens when a group of breast cancer activists and environmentalists knock on the doors of the world's largest cosmetics companies to demand safe, non-toxic products.

Not Just a Pretty Face (Audiobook)

Audiobook $15.95
print and ebook available

Decline and Fall (Audiobook)

Decline and Fall sheds new light on the misunderstood idea of empire, shows how the US backed itself into a corner in the pursuit of political and economic power, and maps the road back to democracy in the wake of imperial collapse.

Decline and Fall (Audiobook)

Audiobook $19.95
print and ebook available

Supply Shock (Audiobook)

‣Politicians, economists, and Wall Street would have us believe that limitless economic expansion is the Holy Grail, and that there is no conflict between growing the economy and protecting the environment. Supply Shock debunks these widely accepted myths and demonstrates that we are in fact navigating the end of the era of economic ...

Supply Shock (Audiobook)

Audiobook $22.95
ebook available

Humanizing the Economy (Audiobook)

‣The cooperative sector boasts 800 million people worldwide, and the UN has declared 2012 to be the year of the co-op. Humanizing the Economy demonstrates how co-operative models for economic and social development are showing the way toward a more equitable future.

Humanizing the Economy (Audiobook)

Audiobook $24.99
print and ebook available

Dumbing Us Down (Audiobook)

‣John Taylor Gatto's radical treatise on public education, a bestseller for 25 years, continues to advocate for the unshackling of children and learning from formal schooling. Now, in a changing world with an explosion of alternative routes to learning, it's poised to continue to shake the world of institutional education for many more years.

Dumbing Us Down (Audiobook)

Audiobook $14.99
print and ebook available

On Gandhi's Path (Audiobook)

‣This inspiring biography explores the life and work of the land trust pioneer, peace activist, and father of the relocalization movement. A conscientious war resistor imprisoned for his beliefs, Bob Swann engaged in lifelong nonviolent direct action against war, racism, and economic inequity. His legacy is a vision of a life-affirming, alternative economy based on land and monetary reform.

On Gandhi's Path (Audiobook)

Audiobook $16.95
ebook available

Peak Everything (Audiobook)

‣A compelling combination of wry commentary and sober forecasting, Peak Everything shows how to cope gracefully with post-Peak Oil declines in climate stability, economic growth, food security, fresh water and energy resources, while preserving the best of our collective achievements.

Peak Everything (Audiobook)

Audiobook $16.95
print and ebook available

Fermenting Revolution (Audiobook)

Fermenting Revolution delivers an empowering message about how individuals can change the world through the simple act of having a beer. It is also the first book to view all of the important trends in human history as fundamentally revolving around beer.

Globalization pitches the corporate worldview that is essentially selfish, ...

Fermenting Revolution (Audiobook)

Audiobook $18.95
ebook available

Somebodies and Nobodies (Audiobook)

‣This book provides a theory of "rankism" - abuse and discrimination based on the power vested in rank. The author introduces new language and tools that illuminate the workings of power in our social interactions, previewing a social revolution that restores dignity to all.

Somebodies and Nobodies (Audiobook)

Audiobook $19.99
print and ebook available

The Big Swim (Audiobook)

‣Carrie Saxifrage weaves compelling, thought-provoking and often humorous autobiographical stories into a climate-change memoir. From a four-hour swim through frigid open water to finding balance in a blueberry field, The Big Swim shows that personal growth arises from facing both inner tensions and threats to the biosphere.

The Big Swim (Audiobook)

Audiobook $25.95
print and ebook available

Becoming the Kind Father (Audiobook)

‣This guide offers helpful insight for the millions of men who want to become kinder human beings. A must-read for every woman who loves an angry or emotionally distant man.

Becoming the Kind Father (Audiobook)

Audiobook $22.95
print and ebook available

The Art of Social Enterprise (Audiobook)

‣This guide to social enterprise includes an overview of the emerging field, the mechanics of business practice, and proven principles for success. The Art of Social Enterprise offers legal expertise without the jargon, and provides insight into the many unique challenges and rewards of this approach to making "good" money.

The Art of Social Enterprise (Audiobook)

Audiobook $25.95
print and ebook available

Cold, Hungry and in the Dark (Audiobook)

‣Conventional wisdom has North America entering a new era of energy abundance thanks to shale gas. But has industry been honest? Cold, Hungry and in the Dark argues that declining productivity combined with increasing demand will trigger a crisis that will cause prices to skyrocket, damage the economy and have a profound impact on ...

Cold, Hungry and in the Dark (Audiobook)

Audiobook $25.95
ebook available

College Without High School (Audiobook)

College Without High School shows how independent teens can self-design their high school education by becoming unschooled. Students begin by defining their goals and dreams and then pursue them through a combination of meaningful and engaging adventures.

College Without High School (Audiobook)

Audiobook $22.95
print and ebook available


‣An exciting vision and strategy for creating ecologically sustainable communities and cultures in harmony with the Earth


Paperback $34.95

My Name is Chellis and I'm in Recovery from Western Civilization

‣When it came out in 1994, My Name is Chellis and I'm in Recovery from Western Civilization quickly became a classic of the ecopsychology movement. It is a book about roots which reach back millennia to a time when humans lived in and honored the natural world. By documenting the entanglement of the ecological crisis with modern ...

My Name is Chellis and I'm in Recovery from Western Civilization

Paperback $24.95

Better NOT Bigger

‣Contrary to accepted wisdom, rapid urban growth can leave communities permanently scarred, deeply in debt, with unaffordable housing, a lost sense of community, and sacrificed environmental quality.

In Better NOT Bigger, Fodor explodes the fundamental myth that growth is good for us and that more development will bring in more tax ...

Better NOT Bigger

Paperback $24.95

Widening Circles

‣In this absorbing, and sometimes thrilling memoir, well-known eco-philosopher, Buddhist scholar, and deep ecology activist /teacher Joanna Macy recounts her adventures of mind and spirit in the key social movements of our era. Macy's autobiography reads like a novel as she relates her multi-faceted life experiences and reflects ...

Widening Circles

Paperback $24.95

Thinking Like a Mountain

‣This book of readings, meditations, rituals and workshop notes prepared on three continents helps us remember that environmental defense is nothing less than "Self" defense. Including magnificent illustrations of Australia's rainforests, Thinking Like a Mountain provides a context for ritual identification with the natural environment, ...

Thinking Like a Mountain

Paperback $19.95

The Token (Audiobook)

‣In The Token: Common Sense Ideas for Creating Diversity in Your Organization, your new token Black friend, Crystal Byrd Farmer, acts as the bridge between majority white organizations that are dedicated to social justice and affirmative action and the diverse people in community they want to recruit.

The Token (Audiobook)

Audiobook $19.99
print and ebook available

The Joy of Missing Out (Audiobook)

The Joy of Missing Out examines the implications of a technologically focused life and suggests options to cultivate a richer on- and off-line existence. Through historical data, typewritten letters, chapter challenges and personal accounts, this makes a case for increasing intentionality and being more present in our daily lives.

The Joy of Missing Out (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.99
print and ebook available

i-Minds - 2nd Edition (Audiobook)

‣Engaging and scientifically rigorous, this fully updated edition of i-Minds explores screen-based technology's assimilation into our lives, pondering them as both godsend and plague, demonstrating how constant connectivity is changing our brains and exploring positive steps to take to embrace new technologies.

i-Minds - 2nd Edition (Audiobook)

Audiobook $39.95
print and ebook available

Nature-Based Therapy (Audiobook)

Nature-Based Therapy is a practical guide for those working in educational and therapeutic settings. It addresses the disconnection between humans and their ecological home, and offers successful theories and practices undertaken with children, youth, and families.

Nature-Based Therapy (Audiobook)

Audiobook $36.95
print and ebook available

I'm Right and You're an Idiot - 2nd Edition (Audiobook)

‣This fully updated 2nd edition grapples with the desperate state of current public discourse. Through interviews and wisdom from outstanding thinkers, it shows that deliberately polluted conversations can discourage people from taking action on critical issues, and demonstrates how we can become more powerful communicators.

I'm Right and You're an Idiot - 2nd Edition (Audiobook)

Audiobook $31.99
print and ebook available

Changing Tides (Audiobook)

‣In Changing Tides, Alejandro Frid, an ecologist working with Indigenous people, argues that a merger of scientific perspectives and Indigenous knowledge might just help us change the story we tell ourselves of who we are — of who we can be — and steer us towards a more benign Anthropocene.

Changing Tides (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.99
print and ebook available

The Happiness Policy Handbook (Audiobook)

The Happiness Policy Handbook provides a concise background on happiness studies and science, coupled with practical tools for formulating and integrating happiness policy at all levels of government. Essential reading for policymakers focused on making happiness and well-being the purpose of government.

The Happiness Policy Handbook (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.99
print and ebook available

Renewal (Audiobook)

Renewal explores the science behind why being in nature makes us feel alive and helps us thrive. Backed by cutting-edge research in cognitive science, Edwards weaves stories that reveal nature's genius, its effect on our lives, and how cultivating an emotional bond with nature benefits us and the natural world.

Renewal (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.99
print and ebook available

Intrinsic Hope (Audiobook)

‣Maintaining hope is difficult in a world falling apart. Intrinsic Hope offers a powerful antidote to despair, showing how to free ourselves from the false hope that the world will conform to our expectations and how to cultivate "intrinsic hope," a positive approach based on trusting life. Presents 6 mindful habits for hopeful living.

Intrinsic Hope (Audiobook)

Audiobook $29.99
print and ebook available

Making Shift Happen (EPUB)

Making Shift Happen teaches you how to use the same behavioral strategies corporations use to sell you stuff you don’t need – but to help the planet instead. Learn what drives human decision-making, and how to design and implement effective behavior change strategies that move people to take environmental action.

Making Shift Happen (EPUB)

Ebook $32.50
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Making Shift Happen (PDF)

Making Shift Happen teaches you how to use the same behavioral strategies corporations use to sell you stuff you don’t need – but to help the planet instead. Learn what drives human decision-making, and how to design and implement effective behavior change strategies that move people to take environmental action.

Making Shift Happen (PDF)

Ebook $32.50
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Making Shift Happen

Making Shift Happen teaches you how to use the same behavioral strategies corporations use to sell you stuff you don’t need – but to help the planet instead. Learn what drives human decision-making, and how to design and implement effective behavior change strategies that move people to take environmental action.

Making Shift Happen

Paperback $49.99
ebook available

Building Your Permaculture Property (EPUB)

Building Your Permaculture Property combines an engineer and a farmer's professional and practical experience in ecological consulting and regenerative agriculture to lead you - the land steward - through a clear five-step process to design and develop a resilient and abundant property anywhere in the world.

Building Your Permaculture Property (EPUB)

Ebook $32.50
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Building Your Permaculture Property (PDF)

Building Your Permaculture Property combines an engineer and a farmer's professional and practical experience in ecological consulting and regenerative agriculture to lead you - the land steward - through a clear five-step process to design and develop a resilient and abundant property anywhere in the world.

Building Your Permaculture Property (PDF)

Ebook $32.50
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Building Your Permaculture Property

Building Your Permaculture Property combines an engineer and a farmer's professional and practical experience in ecological consulting and regenerative agriculture to lead you - the land steward - through a clear five-step process to design and develop a resilient and abundant property anywhere in the world.

Building Your Permaculture Property

Paperback $49.99
ebook available

Resilient Agriculture, Second Edition (EPUB)

Resilient Agriculture, Second Edition explores the latest science on climate risk and resilience through the adaptation stories of award-winning farmers and ranchers to explore the powerful solutions offered by agriculture and food systems designed to restore the natural, human, and social resources that sustain us.

Resilient Agriculture, Second Edition (EPUB)

Ebook $22.75
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Resilient Agriculture, Second Edition (PDF)

Resilient Agriculture, Second Edition explores the latest science on climate risk and resilience through the adaptation stories of award-winning farmers and ranchers to explore the powerful solutions offered by agriculture and food systems designed to restore the natural, human, and social resources that sustain us.

Resilient Agriculture, Second Edition (PDF)

Ebook $22.75
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Resilient Agriculture, Second Edition

Resilient Agriculture, Second Edition explores the latest science on climate risk and resilience through the adaptation stories of award-winning farmers and ranchers to explore the powerful solutions offered by agriculture and food systems designed to restore the natural, human, and social resources that sustain us.

Resilient Agriculture, Second Edition

Paperback $34.99
ebook available

The Token (EPUB)

‣In The Token: Common Sense Ideas for Creating Diversity in Your Organization, your new token Black friend, Crystal Byrd Farmer, acts as the bridge between majority white organizations that are dedicated to social justice and affirmative action and the diverse people in community they want to recruit.

The Token (EPUB)

Ebook $9.75
print available

The Token (PDF)

‣In The Token: Common Sense Ideas for Creating Diversity in Your Organization, your new token Black friend, Crystal Byrd Farmer, acts as the bridge between majority white organizations that are dedicated to social justice and affirmative action and the diverse people in community they want to recruit.

The Token (PDF)

Ebook $9.75
print available