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The Ecotechnic Future
In response to the coming impact of peak oil, John Michael Greer helps us envision the transition from an industrial society to a sustainable ecotechnic world-not returning to the past, but creating a society that supports relatively advanced technology on a sustainable resource base.

Fusing human ecology and history, this book challenges ...

The Ecotechnic Future

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The Edible Ecosystem Solution

The Edible Ecosystem Solution explores how humans benefit from edible ecosystem abundance, the immense opportunities in society for landscape change, and how anyone can build their own 25-square-foot edible ecosystem as a launch pad for community land transition and cultural transformation.

The Edible Ecosystem Solution

Paperback $39.99
ebook and audiobook available

The Elderberry Book

The Elderberry Book deepens appreciation for a plant that has played a crucial role for thousands of years. This inspiring, and educational resource guides you through the elderberry's history, how to cultivate and forage from the balcony to the backyard, and its preparation in traditional foods, medicines, wines, crafts, and tools.

The Elderberry Book

Paperback $24.99
ebook available

The Emergent Agriculture

‣Long embraced by corporations who are driven only by the desire for profit, industrial agriculture wastes precious resources and spews millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year, exacerbating climate change and threatening the very earth and water on which we depend. However, this dominant system, from which ...

The Emergent Agriculture

Paperback $17.95
ebook available

The Empowerment Manual

‣A Transition Town group involved in preparations for peak oil and climate change; an intentional community, founded with the highest ideals; a nonprofit dedicated to social change-millions of such voluntary groups exist around the world. These collaborative organizations have the unique potential to harness their members' ideals, ...

The Empowerment Manual

Paperback $34.99
ebook available

The End of Education as We Know It
**It's time for a whole new way of doing school**People are born systems-thinkers. Education has the power to encourage our innate connection with the complex world, yet instead our schools focus on creating a workforce educated just enough to feed the capitalist workforce pipeline. Reminiscent of and ...

The End of Education as We Know It

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The End of Growth

‣Economists insist that recovery is at hand, yet unemployment remains high, real estate values continue to sink, and governments stagger under record deficits. The End of Growth proposes a startling diagnosis: humanity has reached a fundamental turning point in its economic history. The expansionary trajectory of industrial civilization ...

The End of Growth

Paperback $17.95
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The Ethical Meat Handbook, Revised and Updated 2nd Edition

‣In this 2nd edition of The Ethical Meat Handbook author Meredith Leigh argues that by assuming responsibility for our food and the route by which it gets there, animals can be an optimal source of food, fiber, and environmental management. Featuring 100+ recipes, and discussions around responsible meat production and economics.

The Ethical Meat Handbook, Revised and Expanded 2nd Edition

Paperback $39.99
ebook available

The Ever Curious Gardener

The Ever Curious Gardener is an irreverent romp through the natural science of plants. Ideal for gardeners moving beyond back-of-the-seed-pack planting, it digs into the science "behind the scenes" in the garden. Acclaimed gardener, scientist, and author Lee Reich offers insights and practical guidance on growing a much better garden.

The Ever Curious Gardener

Paperback $22.99
ebook available

The Farm Then and Now

‣In the Summer of Love in San Francisco's Haight-Asbury, a charismatic young hippie by the name of Stephen Gaskin launched "Monday Night Class"-a weekly event which drew together an eclectic mix of truth-seekers and flower children. Soon the class became a caravan, and after touring the country this colorful crew decided to seek ...

The Farm Then and Now

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The Farmer's Office, Second Edition
**The no-nonsense, practical guide for farm-preneurs to grow a successful farm business – completely revised and updated**You launched your farm because you love working the land and producing food. Yet to succeed you also need to think like an entrepreneur. 'The Farmer's Office, Second Edition' is your ...

The Farmer's Office, Second Edition

Paperback $39.99
ebook available

The Farmers Market Cookbook

‣Farmers markets and CSAs are among the best places to find high-quality, diverse, and exciting vegetables and fruits. But the rich array of unusual varieties can be confusing and overwhelming. From detailed produce descriptions to storage tips, preparation techniques, and over 200 flavorful recipes, The Farmers Market Cookbook has ...

The Farmers Market Cookbook

Paperback $29.95
ebook available

The Five Stages of Collapse

‣In the face of political impotence, looming resource depletion, and catastrophic climate change, many of us have become reconciled to an uncertain future. However, popular perception of how this future might actually unfold varies wildly from "a severe and prolonged recession," to James Howard Kunstler's "Long Emergency", to ...

The Five Stages of Collapse

Paperback $24.99
ebook available

The Food Forest Handbook

‣A food forest is a productive landscape developed around a mix of trees and perennials. Rooted in permaculture principles, this integrated approach to gardening incorporates a variety of plants such as fruit and nut trees, shrubs, vines, and perennial herbs and vegetables. Food forests can help increase biodiversity, protect valuable ...

The Food Forest Handbook

Paperback $39.95
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The Food Lover's Garden

‣Foodie meets gardener in this deliciously accessible, easy-to-use guide to growing, cooking, and preserving twenty-some popular, easy-to-grow vegetables and herbs. The Food Lover's Garden takes the budding gardener from planting, growing, and harvesting, to preparation of delicious, nutritious, and affordable meals.

The Food Lover's Garden

Paperback $24.99
ebook available

The Frugal Homesteader

‣Equip your homesteading dreams with all the affordable DIY innovations, tips, and stories you need to successfully get you started growing your own food, connecting yourself and your kids with nature, and consuming less while producing more! A fun, inspirational, and educational guide to help you save money while living off the land.

The Frugal Homesteader

Paperback $24.99
ebook available

The Garden Tool Handbook
**Level up your growing with the right tool for every job**Searching for effective, economical ways to level up your growing? 'The Garden Tool Handbook' is the essential guide to choosing the right hand tool for the right job at the right time, and maximizing quality, efficiency, and profitability on your ...

The Garden Tool Handbook

Pre-Order $35.99 - Save 20%

The Great Neighborhood Book

‣Abandoned lots and litter-strewn pathways, or rows of green beans and pockets of wildflowers? Graffiti-marked walls and desolate bus stops, or shady refuges and comfortable seating? What transforms a dingy, inhospitable area into a dynamic gathering place? How do individuals take back their neighborhood?

Neighborhoods decline when ...

The Great Neighborhood Book

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The Green Teen

‣Today's teenagers are standing at the crossroads of environmental history. Global warming will fundamentally change the world as they know it within their lifetime. But how to keep their healthy environmental awareness from becoming environmental anxiety? The secret is to provide them with education and tools for positive action.

Written ...

The Green Teen

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The Happiness Policy Handbook

The Happiness Policy Handbook provides a concise background on happiness studies and science, coupled with practical tools for formulating and integrating happiness policy at all levels of government. Essential reading for policymakers focused on making happiness and well-being the purpose of government.

The Happiness Policy Handbook

Paperback $19.99
ebook and audiobook available

The Heart of Sustainability

‣The search for meaning, embodied by such values as mindfulness, creativity, compassion and empathy, is driving global transformation. The Heart of Sustainability explores the ways visionaries are driving this paradigm shift that is shaping our collective future.

The Heart of Sustainability

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The Home Energy Diet

‣With rising energy costs, homeowners are beginning to examine the energy efficiency of their own homes, asking questions that range from where energy comes from and how much it costs, to how to choose new appliances and what options exist for renewable energy?

The Home Energy Diet answers all these questions and more, while helping ...

The Home Energy Diet

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The Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy-Revised & Updated Edition

‣Energy bills have skyrocketed in North America, and traditional energy sources can be as damaging to the environment as they are to your pocketbook. The Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy will show you how to slash your home energy costs while dramatically reducing your carbon footprint.

Completely revised and updated, this new ...

The Homeowner's Guide to Renewable Energy-Revised & Updated Edition

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The Human-Powered Home

‣What if I could harness this energy? An unusual question for anyone putting in a long stint on a treadmill perhaps, and yet human power is a very old, practical and empowering alternative to fossil fuels. Replacing motors with muscles can be considered a political act-an act of self-sufficiency that gains you independence.

The Human-Powered ...

The Human-Powered Home

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The Intelligent Gardener

‣Centuries of agriculture have depleted our soils causing the nutritional value of crops to decline, but the process of returning soil to true fertility is misunderstood. The Intelligent Gardener is an essential guide to achieving better health by remineralizing your soil using natural materials to grow nutrient-dense produce.

The Intelligent Gardener

Paperback $21.99
ebook available

The Interfaith Alternative

‣Whatever your spiritual path, chances are that the primary tenets of your faith include universal love, acceptance and compassion. Yet three thousand years after Moses, twenty-five hundred years after the Buddha, two thousand years after Jesus and fifteen hundred after Muhammad, we are still divided by our differences. Religious ...

The Interfaith Alternative

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The Joy of Conflict Resolution

The Joy of Conflict Resolution helps readers better understand their conflicts through the lens of the "drama triangle" of victims, villains and heroes. Accessible, engaging and light-hearted, it provides proven and practical skills for moving beyond confrontation to resolve conflicts collaboratively.

The Joy of Conflict Resolution

Paperback $24.99
ebook available

The Joy of Missing Out

The Joy of Missing Out examines the implications of a technologically focused life and suggests options to cultivate a richer on- and off-line existence. Through historical data, typewritten letters, chapter challenges and personal accounts, this makes a case for increasing intentionality and being more present in our daily lives.

The Joy of Missing Out

Paperback $17.95
ebook and audiobook available

The KunstlerCast

‣James Howard Kunstler has been described as "one of the most outrageous commentators on the American built environment". An outspoken critic of suburban sprawl, Kunstler is often controversial and always provocative. The KunstlerCast is based on the popular weekly podcast of the same name, which features Kunstler in dialogue with ...

The KunstlerCast

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The Long Descent

The Long Descent examines how industrial society is following the same well-worn path into civilization decline, how our cultural narratives blind us to alternatives, and how it is too late for massive programs for top-down change. The only hope may come from individuals taking action.

The Long Descent

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The Making of an Elder Culture
The Summer of Love. Vietnam. Woodstock. These are the milestones of the baby boomer generation Theodore Roszak chronicled in his 1969 breakthrough book The Making of a Counter Culture. Part of an unprecedented longevity revolution, those boomers form the most educated, most socially conscientious, politically savvy older generation ...

The Making of an Elder Culture

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The Market Gardener

‣As local organic agriculture continues to flourish, a cohort of young professional growers are leading the way with innovative ideas about farming. The Market Gardener provides hands-on information about growing for CSA and farmers markets. Based on low-tech, high-yield methods of production, this is a modern, micro-scale farming handbook.

The Market Gardener

Paperback $29.99
ebook and audiobook available

The Mediator's Handbook

The Mediator's Handbook presents a time-tested, step-by-step model for helping people work through conflict from first contact through reaching a lasting resolution. The Toolbox section details the skills mediators need to understand conflict,facilitate the process, and help participants make decisions.

The Mediator's Handbook

Paperback $34.99
ebook available

The Mediator's Toolkit

The Mediator's Toolkit offers an array of methods for mediators to develop the skills to formulate and ask strategic questions that shift perspectives and result in successful mediated outcomes in any context.

The Mediator's Toolkit

Paperback $34.99
ebook available

The Memory We Could Be

The Memory We Could Be examines our relationship with nature and the unfolding climate crisis. It looks at how we got here, current impacts, and most importantly, how we can move away from fear and separation to build the memory of a more ecological and equitable world.

The Memory We Could Be

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The Modern Homesteader's Guide to Keeping Geese

‣While chickens preen in the spotlight, geese are the historic unsung heroes of small farms and homesteads. Providing weed control, large eggs, and entertainment, and acting as "security" over other animals, geese are the ultimate modern homesteading companion.

The Modern Homesteader's Guide to Keeping Geese covers everything you ...

The Modern Homesteader's Guide to Keeping Geese

Paperback $21.99
ebook available

The Natural Child

The Natural Child makes a compelling case for a return to attachment parenting, a child-rearing approach that has come naturally for parents throughout most of human history. In this insightful guide, parenting specialist Jan Hunt links together attachment parenting principles with child advocacy and homeschooling philosophies, ...

The Natural Child

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The Natural Plaster Book

‣For builders of natural homes (straw bale, cob, adobe, rammed earth, and other natural materials), this unique step-by-step guide takes the confusion out of choosing, mixing, and applying natural plasters.

From principles to practicalities, and with every stage of the process illustrated, The Natural Plasters Book details the entire ...

The Natural Plaster Book

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The Natural Step for Business

The Natural Step for Business examines how four very successful "evolutionary" corporations in Sweden and the United States-including IKEA and Scandic Hotels in Sweden, and Collins Pine and Interface in the U.S.-are positioning themselves for long-term competitiveness using The Natural Step as a central part of their corporate ...

The Natural Step for Business

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The Natural Step for Communities

‣Sustainability may seem like one more buzzword, and cities and towns like the last places to change, but The Natural Step for Communities provides inspiring examples of communities that have made dramatic changes toward sustainability, and explains how others can emulate their success.

Chronicled in the book are towns like Övertorneå, ...

The Natural Step for Communities

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The New Carbon Architecture

‣"Green buildings" that slash energy use and carbon emissions are all the rage, but they aren't enough. The hidden culprit is embodied carbon — the carbon emitted when materials are mined, manufactured, and transported — comprising some 10% of global emissions. With the built environment doubling by 2030, buildings are a carbon ...

The New Carbon Architecture

Paperback $34.99
ebook available

The New Sustainability Advantage

‣The New Sustainability Advantage shows how the benefits of the "triple bottom line" can increase a typical company's profit by at least 51 to 81% within five years, depending on the company's size and industry sector, while avoiding risks that could jeopardize its financial wellbeing.

Fully revised and updated, this 10th anniversary ...

The New Sustainability Advantage

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The New Village Green

‣The village green is the focal point of any community; a gathering place where the best ideas take root and the brightest voices are heard.

The New Village Green gathers some of the best ideas and brightest voices of the green community; some famous and familiar, others fresh and unknown. Each tells an absorbing story, and collectively ...

The New Village Green

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The Next Sustainability Wave

‣The idea of sustainability has been embraced enthusiastically by some businesses and rejected by others. The first wave of corporate converts to sustainability was driven by a PR crisis perhaps, regulatory pressures, or the founder's personal passion. The next wave, however, requires different drivers if it is to build a critical ...

The Next Sustainability Wave

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The Non-Toxic Avenger

‣Most of us turn a blind eye to the startling array of chemicals lurking in everything from shampoo to baby bottles to the bills in our wallets, choosing to believe that government agencies ensure the safety of the products we wear, use, ingest and breathe in daily. Yet the standards for product safety in North America lag far behind ...

The Non-Toxic Avenger

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The Oil Depletion Protocol

‣Since oil is the primary fuel of global industrial civilization, its imminent depletion is a problem that will have profound impact on every aspect of modern life. Without international agreement on how to manage the decline of this vital resource, the world faces unprecedented risk of conflict and collapse.

The Oil Depletion Protocol ...

The Oil Depletion Protocol

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The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution

The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution is the no-till chemical-free growing roadmap, showing how no-till lowers barriers to starting a small farm, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, increases efficiency and profitability, and promotes soil health. This hands-on manual is specifically written for natural and small-scale farmers.

The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution

Paperback $34.99
ebook available

The Party's Over

‣The world is about to run out of cheap oil and change dramatically. Within the next few years, global production will peak. Thereafter, even if industrial societies begin to switch to alternative energy sources, they will have less net energy each year to do all the work essential to the survival of complex societies. We are entering ...

The Party's Over

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