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Your Indoor Herb Garden

Your Indoor Herb Garden is a comprehensive guide to the techniques and equipment for successfully growing culinary and medicinal herbs indoors. Written by a Master Gardener with five decades of experience in herb growing, it also includes coverage of herb harvesting, use, and lore and history.

Your Indoor Herb Garden

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Your Green Home

‣More and more homeowners today want houses that are healthy to live in and cause minimal damage to the environment. That's what green building is all about.

Your Green Home is written for homeowners planning a new home-whether you are working with an architect or builder, or serving as your own general contractor. Intended to improve.

Your Green Home

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ebook available

Your Edible Yard

Your Edible Yard is the comprehensive how-to guide to turn your yard into a beautiful, bountiful feast. With dozens of color photographs and watercolor illustrations, and landscaping designs for gardeners with any amount of space, it covers everything from design to harvesting instructions/recipes.

Your Edible Yard

Paperback $34.99
ebook available

Worms at Work

‣Worms play a vital role in soil health, soil fertility and the yield of a garden. Designed as a easy-to-use handbook, Worms at Work is a guide to creating and harnessing the power of vermicompost. Intended for the beginning gardener and experienced farmer alike, all that is required is a healthy appreciation for healthy, happy soil!

Worms at Work

Paperback $19.99
ebook available

Winter Harvest Cookbook

‣Anyone can include more local food in their diet at the peak of summer, but what do you do when the tomatoes are done and the first greens of spring are months away? The Winter Harvest Cookbook takes a seasonal approach to eating, even during the coldest months of the year. This fully updated and revised 20th anniversary edition ...

Winter Harvest Cookbook

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ebook available

Winter Gardening in the Maritime Northwest

‣Many gardeners can supply a significant amount of their own food during the plentiful summer harvest. But the key to substantial savings on your food bill is putting fresh, homegrown produce on your table every month of the year. And in the mild, forgiving climate of the maritime Pacific Northwest, it can be easier than you might ...

Winter Gardening in the Maritime Northwest

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ebook available

Wind Power Basics
Humans have harnessed wind power for centuries. It is the fastest growing source of energy in the world, and by the year 2020 it is projected to supply at least 12 % of global electrical demand.

Wind Power Basics provides a clear understanding of wind and wind energy systems. It examines all aspects of small-scale installations ...

Wind Power Basics

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ebook available

Wild Plant Culture

Wild Plant Culture covers the ecological restoration of native edible and medicinal plant communities with a focus on Eastern North America. Integrating restoration practices, foraging, herbalism, rewilding, and permaculture, it provides tools to engage with wild plant communities in mutually beneficial relationships.

Wild Plant Culture

Paperback $39.99
ebook available

Wild Foresting

‣There is an emerging revolution in wild forest relationships. Wild foresting has evolved from ecoforestry, going far beyond merely having a minimum impact on the world, to sustaining and promoting forest health, and biological and cultural diversity. Wild foresting promotes the responsible use of forests, connects indigenous knowledge ...

Wild Foresting

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Widening Circles

‣In this absorbing, and sometimes thrilling memoir, well-known eco-philosopher, Buddhist scholar, and deep ecology activist /teacher Joanna Macy recounts her adventures of mind and spirit in the key social movements of our era. Macy's autobiography reads like a novel as she relates her multi-faceted life experiences and reflects ...

Widening Circles

Paperback $24.95

Why I Walk

‣A recent survey shows that members of Gen Y are walking 37 percent more than they were a decade ago, biking 122 percent more and taking public transit 100 percent more. Still, the legacy of the car culture persists. Raised on the notion that driving equals freedom, too many of us just don't realize that a personally rewarding alternative ...

Why I Walk

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ebook available

When Kids Rule the School

When Kids Rule the School is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of democratic schooling, where kids practice life in a self-governed school society: empowered as voters, bound by laws, challenged by choice, supported by community, and driven by nature.

When Kids Rule the School

Paperback $19.99
ebook available

What's Up With White Women?

What's Up with White Women? is a guide for white women to strengthen their anti-racism practices. A powerful model using self-reflection and real-life stories of white women's experiences with sexism and white privilege gives them the tools to cultivate genuine partnerships with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

What's Up with White Women?

Paperback $24.99
ebook and audiobook available

We're All Climate Hypocrites Now

We're All Climate Hypocrites Now reimagines what it means to be a "good environmentalist." Moving past carbon footprints, self-confessed eco-hypocrite Sami Grover takes a tongue-in-cheek approach, skewering those pointing fingers, celebrating those trying, and offering practical pathways to actually make a difference.

We’re All Climate Hypocrites Now

Paperback $19.99
ebook available

Wearing Smaller Shoes
You've been wondering how to reduce your footprint, but are intimidated by the idea that nothing less than installing solar panels and going off the grid will work. Nonsense-no need to be scared off by all that "green" noise. You have two goals: saving your money and saving resources-and you can do that by making quiet, gradual ...

Wearing Smaller Shoes

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ebook available

Weapons of Mass Instruction

‣Compulsory schooling cripples imagination, critical thinking, and strips youth of their best qualities, producing a nation of employees. Weapons of Mass Instruction shows how to escape this trap and help develop more meaningful lives.

Weapons of Mass Instruction

Paperback $21.99
ebook and audiobook available

Urban Meltdown

‣In 1950, only thirty percent of the world's population lived in cities. By 2007, the planet's population has now doubled and today, as many people live in cities as populated the entire planet in 1950. Eighty percent of the planet's greenhouse gases are created by these energy-intensive urban centers. Thus, the key to creating ...

Urban Meltdown

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ebook available

Urban Agriculture

‣You don't have to journey to a rural paradise to find the farm of the future. It's your neighbor's suburban lawn, the roof of your uptown condominium, or the co-op market garden in the vacant lot down the street. Urban Agriculture is a detailed look at how food is taking root in our cities. It offers inspirational advice and working ...

Urban Agriculture

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ebook available

Uprooting Racism - 4th Edition

‣There's a long tradition of white people opposing racism-but there are also many excuses we give for not getting involved. Now in a fully updated 4th edition, Uprooting Racism is the supportive, practical go-to guide for helping white people work with others for equal opportunity, democracy, and justice in these divisive and angry times.

Uprooting Racism - 4th Edition

Paperback $24.99
ebook available


‣If we want to reduce our environmental impact, build resiliency in our community and improve food security, it's up to us to make it happen. In many North American communities, the instrument of change is ... grain. Grain is the perfect metaphor for how we've lost control of our food supply, and with it the skills and tools to feed ...


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ebook available

Unlearn, Rewild

‣Picture a world where humans exist, like all other living things, in balance. Where there is no separation between 'human' and 'wild'. Unlearn, Rewild boldly envisions such a world, probing deeply into the cultural constraints on our ability to lead truly sustainable lives and offering real, tangible tools to move toward another ...

Unlearn, Rewild

Paperback $19.99
ebook available


‣To undermine something is to weaken its very foundation in order to bring about its eventual collapse.

Underminers is a radical guide to dismantling the industrial machine. The first section of the book deconstructs the Tools of Disconnection-the subtle and seemingly innocuous methods by which we are manipulated into artificial separation ...


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Transport Revolutions
Modern societies now rely almost entirely on oil for moving people and freight. The impacts on transport of scarcer and more expensive oil pose major challenges to humanity. They require revolutions in our thinking about mobility, and consequent changes in all forms of transport.

Transport Revolutions analyses five episodes of rapid ...

Transport Revolutions

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ebook available

Transformative Learning

Transformative Learning presents a "learn-by-doing" pedagogy informed by ecology and developed over thirty years at Schumacher College that integrates head, heart, and hands into multi-disciplinary education for living in harmony with others and the Earth.

Transformative Learning

Paperback $22.99
ebook available

Towers of Deception

‣A dozen carefully-researched books have exposed the official story of 9/11 to be a terror fraud. Yet the mainstream media have monolithically failed to ask elementary questions about anomalies in this story. So-called alternative media have been little better. Towers of Deception explains why and prescribes actions to break out ...

Towers of Deception

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Toward Sustainable Communities, Fifth Edition
**The go-to guide for those seeking a comprehensive approach to sustainable community development, from the neighborhood to the regional level**'Toward Sustainable Communities' is the definitive guide to the what, the why, and most importantly, the how of creating vibrant, healthy, equitable, and prosperous ...

Toward Sustainable Communities, Fifth Edition

Paperback $49.99
ebook available

Timber Framing for the Rest of Us

‣Many natural building methods rely upon the use of post and beam frame structures that are then in-filled with straw, cob, cordwood, or more conventional wall materials. But traditional timber framing employs the use of finely crafted jointing and wooden pegs, requiring a high degree of craftsmanship and training, as well as much ...

Timber Framing for the Rest of Us

Paperback $29.99
ebook available

Thriving Beyond Sustainability
Every 15 seconds on our Earth Island, a child dies from waterborne disease. Three times an hour, another species becomes extinct. Each day we consume 85 million barrels of oil and pump 23 million tons of carbon dioxide into an already warming atmosphere. But against this bleak backdrop, beacons of hope shine from thousands of large ...

Thriving Beyond Sustainability

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ebook and audiobook available

Think Like a Commoner

‣One of the great scandals of our time is the theft of our shared wealth by elites feasting on our broken market-state. Fortunately, the surging paradigm of the commons is pioneering bold, practical responses. Think Like a Commoner introduces the people, projects and vision now spawning a global movement.

Think Like a Commoner

Paperback $19.99
ebook and audiobook available

The Year-Round Solar Greenhouse

‣Passive solar greenhouse design including material selection, building methods and how to store thermal energy. Case studies provide real-life inspiration, with guidance for building a durable, energy-efficient greenhouse. Variations include underground and aquaponic greenhouses and integrating solar panels to grow off-grid, year-round.

The Year-Round Solar Greenhouse

Paperback $34.99
ebook available

The Year-Round Hoophouse

‣Growing in hoophouses reduces the impact of increasingly unpredictable climate on crops, mitigates soil erosion, extends growing seasons, and strengthens regional food supply. The Year-Round Hoophouse teaches how to site, design, and build a hoophouse and successfully grow abundant produce all year in a range of climates.

The Year-Round Hoophouse

Paperback $34.99
ebook available

The Winter Market Gardener

The Winter Market Gardener is a guide to year-round vegetable production. Based on years of experimentation in techniques, tools, and cultivars, it presents planting, care, and harvesting details for dozens of winter crops that earn money and provide the highest quality, most delicious produce for local markets.

The Winter Market Gardener

Paperback $39.99
ebook and audiobook available

The Web of Meaning

‣Integrating modern science with traditional wisdom, The Web of Meaning investigates humanity's age-old questions—Who am I? Why am I? How should I live?—from a fresh perspective, laying down the foundation for a new worldview of interconnectedness that could foster sustainable flourishing on a thriving Earth.

The Web of Meaning

Hardback $34.99
ebook and audiobook available

The Wealth of Nature

The Wealth of Nature proposes a new model of economics based on the integral value of ecology. Building on the foundations of E.F. Schumacher's revolutionary "economics as if people mattered", this book examines the true cost of confusing money with wealth. By analyzing the mistakes of contemporary economics, it shows how an economy ...

The Wealth of Nature

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ebook available

The Urban Food Revolution

‣Our reliance on industrial agriculture has resulted in a food supply riddled with hidden environmental, economic and health care costs and beset by rising food prices. With only a handful of corporations responsible for the lion's share of the food on our supermarket shelves, we are incredibly vulnerable to supply chain disruption.

The Urban Food Revolution

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ebook and audiobook available

The Urban Farmer

‣Farming is taking root in our cities. With only a small capital investment, and without the need to own land, you can become part of this growing movement. The Urban Farmer will help you learn the crops, techniques and business strategies you need to make a good living growing food intensively right in your own backyard.

The Urban Farmer

Paperback $29.99
ebook and audiobook available

The Two-Wheel Tractor Handbook
**Small but mighty – a comprehensive guide to the use of two-wheel tractors for gardeners, homesteaders, landscapers, and farmers**More affordable than four-wheel tractors and infinitely more versatile than single- purpose power equipment such as rototillers, two-wheel tractors are an ideal solution for ...

The Two-Wheel Tractor Handbook

Paperback $39.99
ebook available

The Troublemaker's Teaparty

‣Thousands of small groups with few resources spend large amounts of time trying to influence decision-makers. For the most part, these groups are made up of ordinary citizens driven by a desire to make a difference beyond their own lives. Governments and corporations call these people "troublemakers." Those who study complex problems ...

The Troublemaker's Teaparty

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ebook available

The Token

‣In The Token: Common Sense Ideas for Creating Diversity in Your Organization, your new token Black friend, Crystal Byrd Farmer, acts as the bridge between majority white organizations that are dedicated to social justice and affirmative action and the diverse people in community they want to recruit.

The Token

Paperback $14.99
ebook and audiobook available

The Thinking Beekeeper

‣What's the buzz about the growing popularity of backyard beekeeping? Providing habitat for bees, pollinating your garden and producing honey for your family are some of the compelling reasons for taking up this exciting hobby. But conventional beekeeping requires a significant investment and has a steep learning curve. The alternative? ...

The Thinking Beekeeper

Paperback $29.99
ebook available

The Sustainability Revolution

‣Sustainability has become a buzzword in the last decade, but its full meaning is complex, emerging from a range of different sectors. In practice, it has become the springboard for millions of individuals throughout the world who are forging the fastest and most profound social transformation of our time-the Sustainability Revolution.

The ...

The Sustainability Revolution

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ebook available

The Sustainability Champion's Guidebook
This practical, easy-to-follow guidebook helps sustainability champions at any level in a company lead a transformation to a smarter, more successful, and more sustainable enterprise. The Sustainability Champion's Guidebook outlines the transformational steps to take, tips and techniques to use, and derailers to avoid.

Bob Willard's ...

The Sustainability Champion's Guidebook

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ebook available

The Story of Upfront Carbon
**When you look at the world through the lens of upfront carbon, everything changes**We must cut carbon emissions to mitigate climate change. But emissions are not produced just by driving your car or heating your home. "Upfront carbon" refers to all emissions involved in making your car or building your ...

The Story of Upfront Carbon

Paperback $22.99
ebook available

The Story is in Our Bones
**It's time to rewild ourselves and our dominant worldviews to build earth-centered communities for all.**The dominant cultural worldview is based upon extraction and exploitation practices that have brought us to the precipice of social, environmental, and climate collapse. Braiding poetic storytelling, ...

The Story is in Our Bones

Paperback $29.99
ebook available

The Solutionary Way
**Forges a path away from polarization toward ethical problem solving and a more humane, equitable, and healthy society**From tackling poverty, to protecting wild spaces, to improving the strength of our communities, deep polarization in our society often prevents us from working collaboratively to solve ...

The Solutionary Way

Paperback $22.99
ebook and audiobook available

The Solar Food Dryer

The Solar Food Dryer describes how to use solar energy to dry your food instead of costly electricity. With your own solar-powered food dryer, you can quickly and efficiently dry all your extra garden veggies, fruits and herbs to preserve their goodness all year long-with free sunshine! Applicable to a wide geography-wherever gardens ...

The Solar Food Dryer

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ebook available

The Senior Cohousing Handbook-2nd Edition

‣No matter how rich life is in youth and middle age, the elder years can bring on increasing isolation and loneliness as social connections lessen, especially if friends and family members move away.

Senior cohousing fills a niche for this demographic-the healthy, educated and proactive adults who want to live in a social and environmentally ...

The Senior Cohousing Handbook-2nd Edition

Paperback $44.99
ebook available

The Secret Life of Your Microbiome

‣Written with pace, clarity, and humor by world-renowned scientists in immunology, nutrition, and environmental health, The Secret Life of Your Microbiome makes the irrefutable case that our health and happiness depends on the health of our personal biodiversity and the biodiversity around us, and shows how we can nurture this nature.

The Secret Life of Your Microbiome

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