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EcoVillage at Ithaca

‣In a world filled with stories of environmental devastation and social dysfunction, EcoVillage at Ithaca is a refreshing and hopeful look at a modern-day village that is taking an integrated approach to addressing these problems.

This book tells the story of life at EcoVillage at Ithaca, an internationally recognized example of sustainable ...

EcoVillage at Ithaca

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ebook available


‣Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without-our grandmothers knew the importance of responsible, thrifty choices. But somewhere along the way we succumbed to the belief that we can get everything for next to nothing, have it shipped halfway around the world and then, more often than not, just throw it away.

This consumer binge ...


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‣Powerful social trends towards green living, relocalization and self-sufficiency have fanned the fires of would-be ecopreneurs in North America, driving a shift towards prioritizing purpose over profits, and building community over building market share. A nation of 9 to 5-ers is giving way to a spirited bunch of innovators, searching ...


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Ecological Footprint

‣Ecological overshoot is shaping the 21st century. In Ecological Footprint, Mathis Wackernagel advises us to run our economies on regeneration, rather than by liquidating the planet. He explains the key tool for the job – Footprint and biocapacity accounting – and how it applies to companies, cities, and countries.

Ecological Footprint

Paperback $19.99
ebook and audiobook available


‣To forge a sustainable future, we need citizens who care for the Earth. We need citizens who understand that planet care is the ultimate form of self-care. But we also need generations who live according to their values and convictions and who can effect positive change in their lives and the lives of others. Because public schools ...


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‣Most of the world's population now lives in cities. So if we are to address the problems of environmental deterioration and peak oil adequately, the city has to be a major focus of attention.

EcoCities is about re-building cities and towns based on ecological principles for the long term sustainability, cultural vitality and health ...


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‣Many urban yards are essentially unproductive patches of grass, requiring constant attention for no return. Through sustainable, organic landscaping, these small or large plots of land can become part of the solution to today's environmental challenges.

Eco-yards supports the vision of a healthy, abundant planet in which beautiful, ...


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Eating Fossil Fuels

‣The miracle of the Green Revolution was made possible by cheap fossil fuels to supply crops with artificial fertilizer, pesticides, and irrigation. Estimates of the net energy balance of agriculture in the US show that ten calories of hydrocarbon energy are required to produce one calorie of food. Such an imbalance cannot continue ...

Eating Fossil Fuels

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ebook available

Eat Your Greens

‣Our industrialized food system is failing us, and as individuals we must take more responsibility for our own health and food security. Leaf crops produce more nutrients per square foot of growing space and per day of growing season than any other crops, especially vitamins and minerals commonly lacking in the North American diet. ...

Eat Your Greens

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ebook available


‣Soaring prices and concerns about chemical-laden fruits and vegetables increasingly drive us to grow our own healthy food close to home. In cities however, vanishing ground space and contaminated soils spur farmers, activists, and restaurateurs to look to the skyline for a solution. The hunger for local food has reached new heights, ...


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Earthen Floors

‣This fully-illustrated manual covers the history, use and maintenance of earthen floors and features a guide to installing this durable, cost-effective alternative from scratch. Constructed natural materials, this beautiful, sealed, nontoxic flooring option is suitable for nearly any home and makes a perfect project for the DIY enthusiast.

Earthen Floors

Paperback $34.99
ebook available

Earthbag Building

‣This highly illustrated guide includes all the tools, tricks, and techniques for building with bags filled with earth – or earthbags. The authors' "flexible form rammed earth technique" creates precision walls for constructing homes, outbuildings, garden walls, and much more.

Earthbag Building

Paperback $39.99
ebook available

Earth-Sheltered Houses

‣The time-tested, easy-to-learn construction techniques described in Earth-Sheltered Houses will give readers to confidence with their own building projects, backed up by a resources section that lists all the latest products such as waterproofing membranes, types of rigid insulation and drainage products.

Earth-Sheltered Houses

Paperback $39.99
ebook available

Earth Repair

‣Millions of acres of land have been contaminated by pesticides, improperly handled chemicals, dirty energy projects, toxic waste, and other pollutants in the United States and Canada. This toxic legacy impacts the environment, our health, our watersheds, and land that could otherwise be used to grow healthy local food and medicines. ...

Earth Repair

Paperback $29.99
ebook available

Earth for All

Earth For All is an antidote to despair. Combining the global economy, population, inequality, food, and energy in a state-of-the art computer model, a leading group of scientists and economists present a plan of five system-shifting steps to achieve prosperity for all within planetary limits in a single generation.

Earth for All

Paperback $24.99
ebook and audiobook available

Dumbing Us Down - 25th Anniversary Edition

‣John Taylor Gatto's radical treatise on public education, a bestseller for 25 years, continues to advocate for the unshackling of children and learning from formal schooling. Now, in a changing world with an explosion of alternative routes to learning, it's poised to continue to shake the world of institutional education for many more years.

Dumbing Us Down - 25th Anniversary Edition

Paperback $19.99
ebook and audiobook available

Dude Making a Difference

‣You want to do something for the planet, but what? Change a light bulb, install a low-flow faucet, eat organic? How about ride 4,700 miles across America on a bamboo bicycle, using only water from natural sources, avoiding fossil fuels almost completely, supplying your few electrical needs with solar power and creating nearly zero ...

Dude Making a Difference

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Drinking Molotov Cocktails with Gandhi

‣More than ever, people are longing for deep and meaningful change. Another world is not only possible; it is essential. Yet despite our creative and determined efforts to attain social justice and ecological sustainability, our global crises continue to deepen.

In Drinking Molotov Cocktails with Gandhi, bestselling author Mark Boyle ...

Drinking Molotov Cocktails with Gandhi

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ebook available

DIY Sourdough

DIY Sourdough is the essential beginner's guide to crafting simple whole grain sourdough starters, breads, snacks, and more that can be incorporated into your weekly routine. Packed with tips and tricks for consistent, nutritious, and delicious results.

DIY Sourdough

Paperback $24.99
ebook available

DIY Mushroom Cultivation

DIY Mushroom Cultivation is a full-color, illustrated guide to growing mushrooms at home. It offers a concise background on mushrooms, proven step-by-step instructions, and a simple method that will make your home or garden the perfect place for a fruitful mushroom cultivation practice.

DIY Mushroom Cultivation

Paperback $29.99
ebook available

DIY Kombucha

‣The essential DIY book for fermented beverages. The author shows how to make kombucha and other fermented beverages from scratch, with basic equipment and ingredients, accessible terms and lots of visual references. She demystifies kombucha SCOBY, and thoroughly covers how to brew, flavor, control the fizz factor and care for the culture.

DIY Kombucha

Paperback $24.99
ebook available

DIY Autoflowering Cannabis

DIY Auto-flowering Cannabis is a complete, full-color how-to guide to cultivating these small, container-grown, fast-producing, day-neutral plants, while reaping their many benefits. If you can grow a tomato, you can grow and enjoy auto-flowering cannabis; no special equipment required.

DIY Autoflowering Cannabis

Paperback $29.99
ebook available

Diabetes: Sugar-Coated Crisis

‣Type 2 diabetes is a social pandemic caused by toxic environments-high in stress and sugar, low in opportunities to exercise or feel good about yourself-and a lack of power. Millions are suffering and being blamed for it; communities devastated; health systems bankrupted.

Diabetes: Sugar-Coated Crisis describes the social sources ...

Diabetes: Sugar-Coated Crisis

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ebook available

Design for Water

‣In an era of dwindling resources, water is poised to become the new oil as the entire world now faces the reality of a decreasing supply of clean water. To avert a devastating shortage, we must not only look at alternate water sources for existing structures, we must also plan our new developments differently.

Design for Water is ...

Design for Water

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Depletion & Abundance

Depletion and Abundance explains how we are living beyond our means with or without a peak oil/climate change crisis and that, either way, we must learn to place our families and local communities at the center of our thinking once again.

Depletion & Abundance

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Democratic Rules of Order

‣With over 20,000 copies sold, Democratic Rules of Order – 10th edition is the alternative to other unwieldy guides. Honed through thousands of meetings, it offers a complete set of easy-to-use, plain-language rules for governing democratic meetings of any size and complexity.

Democratic Rules of Order

Paperback $12.99
ebook available

Decline and Fall

"Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world."

Although he was writing nearly a century ago, Yeats could just as easily be describing the United States today. The decline and fall of America's global empire is the central feature of today's geopolitical landscape, and the nature of our response ...

Decline and Fall

Paperback $19.95
ebook and audiobook available

Dark Age America

‣After decades of missed opportunities, the door to a sustainable future has closed, and the future we face is the unraveling of today's industrial civilization in the face of uncontrolled climate change and resource depletion. The questions we need to ask now focus on what comes next.

Dark Age America

Paperback $24.99
ebook and audiobook available

Crossing the Rubicon

‣The attacks of September 11, 2001 were accomplished through an amazing orchestration of logistics and personnel. Crossing the Rubicon discovers and identifies key suspects-finding some of them in the highest echelons of American government-by showing how they acted in concert to guarantee that the attacks produced the desired result.

Crossing ...

Crossing the Rubicon

Paperback $49.99
ebook available

Creating Wealth

‣Communities everywhere are challenged by issues such as health, elder and child care, housing, education, food security and the environment. On the surface, these problems appear to be rooted in economic crisis-forexample budget cuts have triggered reduced public services, soaring food prices have created food security concerns, ...

Creating Wealth

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Creating Cohousing

‣A man's home is his castle. But demographic and economic changes haveturned our castles into islands. How can we regain the elements of the traditional village – family, cooperation, community and a sense of belonging – within the context of 21st century life?

Creating Cohousing: Building Sustainable Communities is an ...

Creating Cohousing

Paperback $34.99
ebook available

Creating a Life Together

‣An intentional community is a group of people who have chosen to live or work together in pursuit of a common ideal or vision. An ecovillage is a village-scale intentional community that intends to create, ecological, social, economic, and spiritual sustainability over several generations.

The 90s saw a revitalized surge of interest ...

Creating a Life Together

Paperback $34.99
ebook available

Craft Distilling

‣From mashing and fermenting to building a small column still, Craft Distilling explains how to safely and legally produce high-quality alcohol at home. Packed with recipes and techniques, this unique resource also examines the licensing process and advocates for fair regulations for hobby distillers.

Craft Distilling

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Cracking the Boy Code

‣Drawing on thousands of hours of one-on-one counseling, Cracking the Boy Code explains boys' psychological needs and how to use specific, clearly explained techniques for effective communication. Includes the crucial role of non-verbal cues, motivating boys to become their authentic selves and developing esteem and confidence.

Cracking the Boy Code

Paperback $18.99
ebook available

Cordwood Building

‣Cordwood masonry walls are low-cost, easy to build, aesthetically pleasing, and score high environmental points for making use of low-impact materials.

This fully revised 2nd edition of the most widely read and used book on cordwood construction presents the latest innovations and on-the-ground experience from four decades of cordwood ...

Cordwood Building

Paperback $34.99
ebook available

Coppice Agroforestry

Coppice Agroforestry is a comprehensive guide to resprout silviculture – coppicing, pollarding, shredding, and pleaching hardwood trees for firewood, building materials, furniture, basketry, and more. Covers coppice history, biology, ecology, products, woodland economics, and agroforestry system design and management.

Coppice Agroforestry

Paperback $59.99
ebook available

Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings-10th Edition

‣The Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings has sold nearly a 250,000 copies since 1990. Completely revised and updated to incorporate the latest developments in green technology, this is the definitive resource for consumers searching for the most cost-effective and energy-efficient household products and technologies.

Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings-10th Edition

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Conceiving Healthy Babies

‣Healthy babies don't just happen. The lifestyle of the prospective parents is a crucial factor in promoting fertility and ensuring a successful pregnancy. But the average North American diet is saturated with processed foods, and environmental toxins are rampant-we must take responsibility for what we put into and onto our bodies ...

Conceiving Healthy Babies

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Compost Science for Gardeners

Compost Science for Gardeners demystifies the full range of composting methods and helps readers determine or select the best technique for their situation. This comprehensive, plain-language, science-based book covers everything from the inputs required to the beneficial impacts on the environment and soil health.

Compost Science for Gardeners

Paperback $22.99
ebook and audiobook available

Common Threads

‣Disposing of unwanted natural materials can be expensive and time-consuming, or it can present a tremendous opportunity for creating collaborative eco-art. Invasive species control, green waste management, urban gardening and traditional crafts can all be brought together to strengthen community relationships and foster responsible ...

Common Threads

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ebook and audiobook available

Coming Back to Life

Coming Back to Life has helped people transform denial, despair and grief in the face of the social and ecological challenges of our time. This new, completely updated edition repositions the classic work within the context of deepening global crises and the cognitive, spiritual and perceptual revolutions occurring all around us.

Coming Back to Life

Paperback $24.99
ebook available

College Without High School
High school can be boring. High school curriculum can be frustrating and out of touch.

So what is the answer for young people whose creativity, bright ideas, and boundless energy are being stifled in that over-scheduled and grade-driven environment?

What would you do if you could go to college without going to high school? Would ...

College Without High School

Paperback $19.95
ebook and audiobook available

Cold, Hungry and in the Dark

‣Conventional wisdom has North America entering a new era of energy abundance thanks to shale gas. But has industry been honest? Cold, Hungry and in the Dark argues that declining productivity combined with increasing demand will trigger a crisis that will cause prices to skyrocket, damage the economy and have a profound impact on ...

Cold, Hungry and in the Dark

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ebook and audiobook available

Civilizing the State

Civilizing the State explores the disintegration of the liberal state in the face of rising polarization and corporate power. Drawing on international examples of democratic citizen-powered alternatives, it offers a vision of a partner state that could enable equity and economic democracy, driven by civil society.

Civilizing the State

Paperback $19.99
ebook and audiobook available

Choosing Green

‣Energy efficient, non-toxic, healthy homes are the hottest trend in the building industry. Homebuilders are constructing green homes in astonishing numbers-nearly 200,000 in the US alone in 2006.

How does a home buyer who wants a green home know what to look for, what questions to ask a builder, which green home rating systems to ...

Choosing Green

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Choosing a Sustainable Future

‣We all want a sustainable future, but what does it look like, and how do we get there? In Ithaca, NY a new culture is blossoming-one that values cooperation, local production, environmental stewardship, social justice andcreativity. Ithaca is showing the way to meet the challenges of the day with a wide variety of practical, real-world ...

Choosing a Sustainable Future

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"Chiva" is street slang for heroin-and heroin is a hot topic.

Its use as a narcotic is on a precipitous rise. Worldwide heroin production has doubled in the last decade, and the United Nations estimates more than fifteen million users are addicted-up to three million in the United States. It's big business, too, with yearly global ...


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Childhood Unplugged
**Ditch the devices and bring back the magic of being a kid**Screens are everywhere. Children spend an average of 7.5 hours on digital devices every day with profoundly negative consequences. While some tech may “amplify” real life experience (online music lessons or Zoom calls with faraway family, for ...

Childhood Unplugged

Paperback $22.99
ebook and audiobook available