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Publisher: New Society Publishers
Pub. Date: 2011-02-01
ISBN: 9780865716421
Format: Paperback - 192 pages
Size: 7.5" x 9" (w x h)

Fostering Sustainable Behavior

An Introduction to Community-Based Social Marketing (Third Edition)

We are consuming resources and polluting our environment at a rate that is outstripping our planet's ability to support us. To create a sustainable future, we must not only change our own actions, we must educate and encourage those around us to change theirs. If one individual recycles his plastic containers, the impact is minimal. But if an entire community recycles, enormous amounts of resources are saved.

How then do we go about transforming people's good intentions into action? Fostering Sustainable Behavior explains how the field of community-based social marketing has emerged as an effective tool for encouraging positive social change. This completely revised and updated third edition contains a wealth of new research, behavior change tools, and case studies. Learn how to:

  • target unsustainable behaviors, and identify the barriers to change
  • understand various commitment strategies
  • communicate effective messages
  • enhance motivation and invite participation.

The strategies introduced in this ground-breaking manual are an invaluable resource for anyone interested in promoting sustainable behavior, including environmental conservation, recycling and waste reduction, water and energyefficiency and alternative transportation.

About the Author

Dr. Doug McKenzie-Mohr is an environmental psychologist who specializes in designing programs to promote sustainable behavior. For the last decade his award-winning work has focused on incorporating scientific knowledge on behavior change into the design and delivery of community programs. As the founder of community-based social marketing, he has repeatedly illustrated its utility in his research, workshops, and consulting. His previous version of this book published through Canada's National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy has become requisite reading for those who deliver programs to promote sustainable behavior.

"Fostering Sustainable Behavior is a must-read for anyone interesting in improving the impact of community-based behavior change programs. Students and professionals alike find McKenzie-Mohr's practical, evidence-based advice both easy to grasp and easy to implement."
Edward Maibach, MPH, Ph.D., Director, Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University

"At Bicycle Victoria we're passionate about bike riding. We used to unleash that passion on others through convincing verbal arguments about why they should ride. We'd then shake our heads in disbelief when they didn't get on their bike. Then we discovered Fostering Sustainable Behavior. It has given us an effective and measurable way to get more people riding. Thanks to CBSM we're now closer to making bike riding normal. The great news is people are getting on their bikes without us having to convince them."
Craig Richards, Chief Operating Officer, Bicycle Victoria, Melbourne, Australia

"Encouraging behavior change on any scale is challenging and requires the application of well-proven models and theory. Community-based social marketing, developed by Doug McKenzie-Mohr, is a model that we have used successfully for nearly a decade in our programs. CBSM allows us to develop a comprehensive understanding of our target's barriers to change and what motivators are required to encourage the adoption of sustainable behaviors. Importantly the CBSM research process allows us to clearly demonstrate to decision makers that solid social science underpins our work and that excellent outcomes can and will be achieved."
Greg Allen, Manager Community Education, Department of Environment and Conservation, Perth, Western Australia

"I can't think of a more useful resource for anyone interested in helping communities adopt more sustainable behaviors. My students love the concise, research-based content, the clear how-to steps for designing and evaluating programs, and the many examples. I love that the author has continued to improve this classic text with more about how to select the target behaviors and how to encourage social diffusion. This book is a true gem and the new version is the best yet."
Carol D. Saunders, Ph.D., Dept. of Environmental Studies, Antioch University New England

"Fostering Sustainable Behavior guided the development of our programs to tackle climate change in Wales. Doug's writing and thinking helped us to clarify not only which behaviors to target, but also how to create effective programs to foster emission reduction behaviors. We recommend this excellent book to agencies who are developing similar programs."
Usha Ladwa-Thomas, Climate Change and Water Division, Welsh Assembly Government

"Doug's book Fostering Sustainable Behavior was the single, most significant influence in the design of our residential water and energy efficiency programs. The Home WaterWise and ClimateSmart Home services each reached over 200,000 households in Queensland. The book not only expertly guides you through his research, but it outlines strategies and methods to achieve long-term behavior change, underpinned by real examples. It provides a compelling case to embrace a community-based social marketing approach as the key driver to engagement and ultimately, advocacy. We followed the principles outlined in the book and not only do the savings speak for themselves, but the engagement, advocacy and rates of participation are all testament to the success of this approach."
Anthony Coates, Exec. Director Major Projects, Local Government Infrastructure Services, Brisbane, Queensland

"Doug's first edition of Fostering Sustainable Behavior put community-based social marketing on the map. His second edition launched it as a practical and powerful tool to influence behaviors to protect the environment. This third edition will ensure the principles and practices permanently orbit the globe."
Nancy R. Lee, President, Social Marketing Services, Inc.

"Fostering Sustainable Behavior is a must-read for anyone involved in energy and environmental policies and programs. McKenzie-Mohr's approach is solidly based in research and in many years of on-the-ground successful programs with careful evaluations. His discussion about the critical importance of carefully selecting and defining the behaviors and deeply understanding the barriers/benefits before moving to program or policy design - expanded in this edition - is essential. I highly recommend Fostering Sustainable Behavior and his highly informative website on community-based social marketing."
Linda Schuck, Founder and Chair, Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference

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