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$11.95 $7.75 USD
Publisher: New Society Publishers
Pub. Date: 2007-10-01
ISBN: 9781550923469
Format: Digital - 152 pages
Size: 4.5" x 7" (w x h)
BISAC: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Political Advocacy

How To Re-Imagine The World (PDF)

A Pocket Guide For Practical Visionaries

Who says that all possible social and political systems have already been invented? Or that work-or marriage, or environmentalism, or anything else-must be just what they are now?

This book is a conceptual toolbox for imagining and initiating radical social change. Chapters offer specific, focused, and shareable techniques:

  • Seeking a Whole Vision: creating a pull and not just a push toward change.
  • Generative thinking: Looking for "Seeds" and "Sparks", Stretching and Twisting Ideas, and Going Two Steps Too Far.
  • Looking for Unexpected Openings: "Weeds" and "Wild Cards", Inside Tracks, Leverage Points, and Hidden Possibilities.
  • Working at the Roots: Reconstructing the built world, cultural practices, even worldviews.
  • Building Momentum: Playing to our Strengths; Reclaiming the Language; "Allying Everywhere"; Doing it Now, Going for Broke...

Leap-frogging new kinds of cars and better mass transit in turn, why not a world in which "transportation" itself is unneeded?

What about remaking New Orleans as a floating city, or putting only extreme surfers in the path of hurricanes?

And why not dream of the stars? The question is not whether radical change is coming. It is already well underway. The only question is who will make it. Why not us?

About the Author

Anthony Weston is Professor of Philosophy and Environmental Studies at Elon University in North Carolina, where he teaches Ethics, Environmental Studies, and "Millennial Imagination". He is author of twelve other books, including How to Re-Imagine the World and Back to Earth, as well as many articles on ethics, critical thinking, education, and contemporary culture. At Elon, Weston has been named both Teacher of the Year and Scholar of the Year.

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