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Publisher: New Society Publishers
Pub. Date: 2022-09-20
ISBN: 9781550927795
Format: Digital - 176 pages
Size: " x " (w x h)
BISAC: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Development / Sustainable Development

Earth for All (PDF)

A Survival Guide for Humanity

Five decades ago, The Limits to Growth shocked the world by showing that population and industrial growth were pushing humanity towards a cliff. Today the world recognizes that we are now at the cliff edge: Earth has crossed multiple planetary boundaries while widespread inequality is causing deep instabilities in societies. There seems to be no way out.

Earth For All is both an antidote to despair and a road map to a better future. Using powerful state-of-the-art computer modeling to explore policies likely to deliver the most good for the majority of people, a leading group of scientists and economists from around the world present five extraordinary turnarounds to achieve prosperity for all within planetary limits in a single generation. Coverage includes:

  • Results of new global modeling that indicates falling well-being and rising social tensions heighten risk of regional societal collapses
  • Two alternative scenarios – Too-Little-Too-Late vs The Giant Leap – and what they mean for our collective future
  • Five system-shifting steps that can upend poverty and inequality, lift up marginalized people, and transform our food and energy systems by 2050
  • A clear pathway to reboot our global economic system so it works for all people and the planet.

Written in an open, accessible, and inspirational style using clear language and high impact visuals, Earth For All is a profound vision for uncertain times and a map to a better future.

This survival guide for humanity is required reading for everyone concerned about living well on a fragile planet.

About the Authors

Sandrine Dixson-Declève is co-president of the Club of Rome and has over 30 years of leadership in climate change, sustainability, innovation and energy. GreenBiz named her one of the 30 most influential women driving change in the low-carbon economy. She is a policy advisor, facilitator, TED speaker, teacher, and author of Quel Monde Pour Demain?

Owen Gaffney is a strategist, writer, science journalist, and filmmaker and global sustainability analyst at Stockholm Resilience Centre and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. He has written, produced, and advised on documentaries for organizations as diverse as the BBC, Netflix, TED, the World Economic Forum, and WWF.

Jayati Ghosh is an internationally recognized development economist and professor at the University of Massachusetts. She has authored and/or edited 19 books and nearly 200 scholarly articles, received several national and international prizes, and is member of an array of international commissions. She writes regularly for a variety of media.

Jørgen Randers is professor emeritus of climate strategy at the BI Norwegian Business School. A global leader on the intersections of economy, the environment, and human well-being, he coauthored The Limits to Growth in 1972 and the 30-year update. He is the author of 2052 and coauthor of Reinventing Prosperity and Transformation Is Feasible!

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