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Publisher: New Society Publishers
Pub. Date: 2011-11-01
ISBN: 9781771420648
Format: Digital - 288 pages
Size: 6" x 9" (w x h)
BISAC: HEALTH & FITNESS / Healthy Living

The Non-Toxic Avenger (EPUB)

What you don't know can hurt you

Most of us turn a blind eye to the startling array of chemicals lurking in everything from shampoo to baby bottles to the bills in our wallets, choosing to believe that government agencies ensure the safety of the products we wear, use, ingest and breathe in daily. Yet the standards for product safety in North America lag far behind those of other countries. We frequently hear that a substance we've relied on for years turns out to have serious effects onour health, the environment, or both.

After coming to terms with the fact that the autism and cancer which had impacted her family were most likely the result of environmental toxins, author Deanna Duke undertook a mission to dramatically reduce her family's chemical exposure. She committed to drastically reducing the levels of all known chemicals in both her home and work environments, using the help of bodyburden testing to see what effect, if any, she was able to have on the level of toxins in her body.

Follow Deanna's journey as she uncovers how insidious and invasive environmental toxins are. Learn about your day-to-day chemical exposure, the implications for your health, and what you can do about it. And find out whether the author's quest is mission impossible, or whether she is ultimately able to improve her family's health by taking steps towardsleading a chemical-free life.

About the Author

Deanna L. Duke is an environmental writer, urban homesteader, and author of the highly acclaimed environmental blog, The Crunchy Chicken (

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