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Publisher: New Society Publishers
Pub. Date: 2009-07-01
ISBN: 9781771420891
Format: Digital - 144 pages
Size: 6" x 9" (w x h)

The Sustainability Champion's Guidebook (EPUB)

How to Transform your Company

This practical, easy-to-follow guidebook helps sustainability champions at any level in a company lead a transformation to a smarter, more successful, and more sustainable enterprise. The Sustainability Champion's Guidebook outlines the transformational steps to take, tips and techniques to use, and derailers to avoid.

Bob Willard's previous books provide a financially relevant, compelling business case outlining why smart business executives should embrace sustainability. An expert on leadership, culture change, and organizational development, Willard distils lessons learned about cultural transformation and provides guidance on how to embed sustainability into corporate cultures.

This guidebook is exceptionally easy to use, read and consult. Each tip is self-contained within two facing-pages. A change tip is presented on one page with a supporting sidebar or figure on its opposite, facing page. It is organized around four frameworks for easy reference:
  • A seven-step sustainability change process
  • Seven leadership practices to use during the change process
  • Seven paradoxes that complement the seven leadership practices
  • Seven derailers to avoid
This book is an indispensable tool for sustainability champions who are transforming their companies into more sustainable enterprises.
About the Author

Bob Willard gave up an award-winning, successful career in senior management at IBM to devote himself full-time to building corporate commitment to sustainability. Widely in demand as a speaker, he has delivered hundreds of presentations demonstrating the business case for sustainability to companies, consultants, academics and NGOs world-wide. Bob is the author of The New Sustainability Advantage, The Sustainability Champion's Guidebook, and The Next Sustainability Wave. He was appointed an inaugural member of the Sustainability Hall of Fame by the International Society of Sustainability Professionals.

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