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Publisher: New Society Publishers
Pub. Date: 2010-05-01
ISBN: 9781771420969
Format: Digital - 448 pages
Size: 6" x 9" (w x h)

Transport Revolutions (EPUB)

Moving People and Freight without Oil

Modern societies now rely almost entirely on oil for moving people and freight. The impacts on transport of scarcer and more expensive oil pose major challenges to humanity. They require revolutions in our thinking about mobility, and consequent changes in all forms of transport.

Transport Revolutions analyses five episodes of rapid and radical change in the way people and goods have travelled. It examines the worldwide state of transport today, especially its energy use and its impacts, positive and negative. The authors then show, focusing on the United States and China, how ample movement of people and freight could be sustained beyond 2025 with much-reduced dependence on oil. Preparations for the end of cheap oil include:
  • Substantial use of electricity to power land transport
  • Use of wind to help power water transport
  • Reduced movement of people and goods by air
  • New approaches to transport planning, finance, and management.
Written for transport professionals, planners, policymakers, managers, and investors, Transport Revolutions will appeal to all who need to keep ahead of mobility changes.
About the Authors

Richard Gilbert is a consultant with current or recent clients in Asia, Europe and North America. He has produced 14 books and numerous articles on transport, energy and many other topics. He lives in Toronto, where he was an elected municipal councillor for several years.

Anthony Perl is the Director of Urban Studies at Simon Fraser University. He has acted as a government advisor in Australia, Belgium, Canada, France and the US on transportation and environmental research. He has co-edited and co-authored four books including The Integrity Gap: Canada's Environmental Policy and Institutions. He lives in Vancouver.

Transport Revolutions

Moving People and Freight without Oil

by Richard Gilbert and Anthony Perl

Solar Water Heating-Revised and Expanded

A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Water and Space Heating Systems

by Bob Ramlow and Benjamin Nusz


Powering Your Vehicle with Straight Vegetable Oil

by Forest Gregg


Clean Power from Water

by Scott Davis

Electric Water

The Emerging Revolution in Water and Energy

by Christopher C. Swan