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Nautilus Book Award Winners

Nautilus Book Award Winners

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The Benefits of No-Till Farming

Today's post is from The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution: High-Production Methods for Small Scale Farmers by Andrew Mefford. Andrew is editor of Growing for Market magazine. He has spent 15 years working on farms, including a year working on a no-till research farm, and 7 years in the research department at Johnny’s Selected Seeds.

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Pollinators in the Garden

Today's post is from The School Garden Curriculum: An Integrated K-8 Guide for Discovering Science, Ecology, and Whole-Systems Thinking  by Kaci Rae Christopher. Kaci Rae is the volunteer Farm and Garden Educator for Oregon's Redband Ranch. 

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Mapping the Sounds of Nature

Our Marketing Assistant and Metadata Coordinator, Alli Rose tasked her children Bella (9) and Callum (6) to an activity from the Big Book of Nature Activities by Drew Monkman and Jacob Rodenburg. Now that school is taking place at home, and parents are scrambling to get fun educational activities for their children, she thought she'd try out an activity from one of our books.

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The Science Behind Beautiful Kombucha

Andrea Potter is a Chef and Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and the author of DIY Kombucha: Sparkling Homebrews Made Easy. Since the relatively recent introduction of kombucha onto North American supermarket shelves, this healthy sparkling beverage has exploded in popularity. But can it be brewed at home, with the same tasty, healthy results? You bet!

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Rainwater Harvesting for Garden Irrigation

Our Acquisitions Editor, Rob West shares his experience in installing a rainwater harvesting system with a well top-up capacity, at his home on Gabriola Island, with the book Essential Rainwater Harvesting by Rob and Michelle Avis, of Verge Permaculture, as his guide.

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How Can I Garden if I Don’t Have Seeds or Plant Starts?

The question "How can I garden if I don't have seeds" has been coming up a lot and beginners and experienced gardeners alike look to take charge of their food supply. EJ Hurst, New Society Publishers Sales Manager, and a home gardener. shares some suggestions on how you can get on the garden path by raiding your own pantry.

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Companion Planting to Attract Beneficial Insects

Cindy Conner, the author of Grow a Sustainable Diet: Planning and Growing to Feed Ourselves and the Earth, shares tips on how to plant a sustainable garden with diverse plantings that attract beneficial insects, that will then feed on the not-so-beneficial ones, all without chemicals.

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Cashew or Sunflower Seed Cream Cheeze Recipe

In The Art of Plant-based Cheesemaking, author Karen McAthy sets out to explore the development of plant-based cheeses as a legitimate evolution of cheesemaking itself. Here we offer a recipe from The Art of Plant-Based Cheesemakingfor you to enjoy the creation of do-it-yourself quick cheeze.

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Pandemic Poem by author Helen Wilkes

Helen Wilkes, the author of The Aging of Aquarius: Igniting Passion and Purpose as an Elder, shares a "Pandemic Poem" with us. In it she questions whether this is a wake-up call for us all, and what our answer will be.

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The Tongue Twister Game

In The Power Manual: How to Master Complex Power Dynamics, Cyndi Suarez includes a section on games. She says, “Play catalyzes creativity and innovation. Play allows experimentation with different potential realities. Trying things out first in play space increases the chances of successful innovation in the structured space of everyday life"

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Worm Food Recipes

In Crystal Stevens book, Worms at Work: Harnessing the Awesome Power of Worms with Vermiculture and Vermicomposting tell us that proper nutrition is key to maintaining your worm bin.

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Interview with Leo Sharashkin

Today's author interview featuring our winning giveaway questions is with Leo Sharashkin editor of Keeping Bees with a Smile: Principles and Practice of Natural Beekeeping.

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Six Steps to Making Hot Compost

Have you ever been curious about what components make up our soil and what ratios make ideal planting medium? Find out in today's post from Soil Science for Gardeners: Working with Soil to Build Soil Health by Robert Pavlis

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Choosing Hope in these Troubled Times

Today's blog is from Kate Davies, author of Intrinsic Hope: Living Courageously in Trouble Times, and winner of the Grand Prize Nautilus Award.

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